A top-50 US Wellness Podcast!
June 19, 2024

Taking Down Big Gum with Drew Shuman

In this episode of the Vibe Science, Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen welcome Drew Shuman to discuss the harmful ingredients found in conventional chewing gum. Drew introduces "Nogum," a healthy alternative he created. The conversation covers the toxic components of regular gum, the benefits of Nogum, and the challenges Drew faced as an entrepreneur. They also explore the product's market potential, flavors, price point, and future expansion plans.

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  • Harmful ingredients in conventional chewing gum
  • Creation of healthy alternative "Nogum" by Drew Shuman
  • Toxic ingredients in conventional gum
  • Benefits of Nogum
  • Challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Potential market for the product
  • Flavors of Nogum
  • Price point of Nogum
  • Potential expansion of the product line


The introduction (00:00:00) Introducing the podcast and the hosts, setting the stage for the discussion.

Toxic Ingredients in Conventional Gum (00:01:14) Discussion about the harmful ingredients in conventional chewing gum and the need for a healthy alternative.

Creation of Nogum (00:02:29) Drew Shuman explains his background and motivation behind creating a healthy alternative to conventional chewing gum.

Harmful Effects of Conventional Gum (00:06:26) Discussion about the toxic ingredients in most chewing gum and the potential health issues associated with them.

Formulating Nogum (00:09:32) Drew Shuman explains the process of formulating the healthy alternative gum and the challenges faced during the creation.

Entrepreneurship and Challenges (00:14:25) Drew Shuman discusses the challenges of entrepreneurship in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry and the early stages of the product.

Market Reaction and Potential (00:17:21) The discussion shifts to the market reaction, including positive reviews, and potential consumer segments, such as kids and athletes.

Flavors and Price Point (00:18:52) Details about the available flavors, upcoming flavors, and the price point of the Nogum product.

The dental impact (00:20:35) Discussion about the impact of sugar in conventional gum on dental health and the oral benefits of xylitol.

Nogum as an alternative (00:21:09) Exploring how Nogum provides a healthier alternative to conventional gum and the mission behind creating it.

Vitamin and mineral boost (00:22:31) The potential benefits of having vitamins and minerals in gum and the idea of incorporating different nutrients into the product.

Rollout plan and marketing strategy (00:23:32) Drew's focus on direct-to-consumer sales, retail expansion, building brand awareness, and influencer marketing.

Brand partnerships and events (00:27:00) Discussions about potential brand partnerships, sponsoring events, and the relevance of Nogum in fitness and wellness settings.

Manufacturing and functional gum (00:26:23) Insights into the manufacturing process of functional chewing gum and candy, and the expertise of the manufacturer.

Financial background and investments (00:28:09) Drew's background in wealth management and its relevance to his entrepreneurial journey.

Promoting Nogum and future plans (00:29:01) Where to purchase Nogum, social media handles, and hopes for the product's success.

Closing thoughts and contact information (00:29:32) Appreciation for the guest, promotion of the podcast, and contact details for the hosts and the guest.

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